The "Kagawa Startup Festa 2024" is an event initiated by Kagawa Prefecture this year to foster the creation and growth of startups. The event brought together a diverse group of guests from within and outside the prefecture, including startups, venture capitalists, and pioneers in various fields.
Talk Session
"Global Expansion and AI Utilization of Startups in Kagawa Prefecture"
Moderator: Mr. Shunsuke Mizuo, CEO of Sanukite Inc.
Panelists (in no particular order):
Mr. Tatsuya Manabe, President & CEO of Ken Robotech Inc.
Mr. Shota Kikuoka, CEO of Work Capital Inc.
Ms. Misaki Matsumoto, Inception Program Manager, NVIDIA Developer Program
Mr. Dai Watanabe, Managing Partner of Delight Ventures Inc.
Date, Venue, and Organizer
Date: August 25, 2024, 13:30-14:25
Venue: Takamatsu Symbol Tower
Organizer: Kagawa Prefecture